Urinary Protein Biomarker Database

Urinary Protein Biomarker Database

    Urine is an important source of biomarkers. The Urinary Protein Biomarker Database is a literature curated database of protein biomarkers that have been detected in urine. Published papers were manually curated to ensure the data quality. To serve the community, we offer free browse, search and download of the entire database to non-profit users.


Shao C, Li M, Li X, Wei L, Zhu L, Yang F, Jia L, Mu Y, Wang J, Guo Z, Zhang D,Yin J, Wang Z, Sun W, Zhang Z, Gao Y. A tool for biomarker discovery in the urinary proteome: a manually curated human and animal urine protein biomarker database. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011 Nov;10(11):M111.010975.[link]

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    What is UPBD?

    UPBD, a Urinary Protein Biomarker Database, provides Information about urinary biomarkers or biomarker candidates compiling from published literature. Proteomics and non-proteomics studies on the urine specimens from patients or experimental animals were embodied in the database. Once a protein or a peptide was reported to express differently between disease and control groups or between different disease stages, it was regarded as a biomarker candidate and embodied in the database. Protein/peptide signals detected by CE-MS or SELDI-MS without sequential information were excluded. To ensure the quality of the database, all research articles were manually reviewed. Through the application of the database, you can receive a more comprehensive knowledge of the urinary biomarkers and the mechanisms involved in the development of the related disease, which may be useful references in your further research.

    How to Use UPBD?

    UPBD is a user-friendly web-based tools and give you a free access to explore urinary biomarkers information aggregated from literatures in PubMed. You can access the database as follows:


    The "Biomarker" tab may be the most frequently used application. This page displays the hierarchy trees of a disease ontology using terms from existing ontologies such as ICD10CM, DO and NCIT. Navigate the tree and click on a node, biomarker information for diseases of this node and its child nodes is summaried in the right table.

    Click on the up and down arrows to sort the table, use the drop-down list to further filter the result.

    Click a disease term in the right table to view its definition and related information on our MedPortal server. Click “more” button to view evidences for each biomarker record.


    Fill in the corresponding columns to retrieve records that meet all of the search criteria.

    How to Download Data in UPBD?

    You can down load the biomarker summary, “more” information or search result table by clicking on the ”Export Excel” button on the corresponding webpage. A popup login window will show up as the following. Data download will start automatically after login.

    If you are a new user, enter your email address and preferred password, then the “submit” button, a register form will show up. Fill in the form to complete registration process, data download will start automatically.

    Problems with Your Account?

    If you forget your password or account, please contact the web manage for assistance. (Dr. Shao, scshaochen (at) 126.com

    Website construction and maintenance

    Dr. Chen Shao

    National Scientific Data Sharing Platform for Population and Health, Biologic Medicine Information Center (BMICC) Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Science

    Data content contribution

    Prof. Youhe Gao’s group

    School of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University

    Prof. Gao‘s blog

    Contact us

    Should you have any questions while using this website, please feel free to contact Dr. Shao at scshaochen (at) 126.com.

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